Any solicitor facing an allegation of dishonesty in the SDT should seek specialist advice as soon as possible. The law is clear that, save for exceptional circumstances, a finding of dishonesty will result in striking off.
If you are facing an allegation...
To discover more about SRA Letters, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunals and all types of investigations by the SRA, please enter your details below to instantly receive my free guide.
By requesting the Free Guide you provide your consent...
A solicitor's appeal lies to the Administrative Court. The Court has jurisdiction to hear appeals from the SDT.
The Court has power to make such order on an appeal as they may think fit. The correct approach of the Courts to appeals from the SDT was...
Money laundering is a continuing concern for firms. Increasing sophistication on the part of fraudsters and changes to practising procedure means firms must be ever vigilant.
The SRA continually issues guidance to the profession and which must be observed...
No person is qualified to act as a solicitor unless they have been admitted, their name is on the Roll and they have in force a certificate issued by the SRA authorising them to practise as a solicitor (“a practising certificate”).
In addition to ...
With effect from 20 July 2022 the SRA fining powers increased. From that date, the maximum fine the SRA can impose for solicitors, traditional law firms (recognised bodies or recognised sole practices) and the individuals who work in them will be £25,000.00.
The ...
Ordinarily it will take the SRA between 3 and 6 months to prepare a Rule 12 Statement following a decision to refer a solicitor to the Tribunal.
If within that time frame the SRA decides on the basis of further information or representations to resolve...
Applications to the SDT for restoration to the Roll are difficult. A former solicitor, who has been struck off the Roll of Solicitors wishing to apply for restoration should carefully consider his or her position. The prospects of success are low and...
The SDT has produced written Guidance on its approach to sanctions. Each case must be judged on its merits within the broad context of the Guidance. The SDT’s Guidance gives prominence to the approach indicated by the High Court in Fuglers and others –...
The SRA has the power to regulate unqualified persons pursuant to Section 43 of the Solicitors Act 1974. On application to the SDT the Section 43 Order restricts the future employment of unqualified individuals.
I can assist in representing you if...
Undertakings are to be treated seriously. An undertaking is a promise made by a solicitor that he will carry out or refrain from carrying out an act in circumstances where the recipient of the promise reasonably places reliance upon it.
An undertaking...
I am a solicitor specialising in Solicitors Defence Work.
I have 25 years' experience of this work, so I understand the concerns that you may be facing. Please do not delay, contact me as soon as possible so that you are fully aware of your legal rights...
The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal consists of both solicitors and lay members appointed by the Master of the Rolls.
The SDT is empowered to make Rules about the procedure and practice to be followed in relation to the making, hearing and determination...
Are you facing SRA intervention?
The SRA has the statutory power to intervene into a solicitor’s practice. The powers may be exercised in relation to an individual solicitor, a number of solicitors together, or recognised body or a licensed b...
The SRA has powers to supervise and investigate those they regulate. In the first instance, the SRA encourages firms to assess and deal with their own risks.
An investigation may be commenced by an event within the firm, such as a report of misconduct,...
A letter from the SRA seeking an “Explanation with Warnings” is a crucial part of the disciplinary process. Have you received a SRA Letter?
The solicitor is usually given 14 days to prepare a response.
The Solicitors response to the EWW letter wil...
The current Solicitors Accounts Rules are the Accounts Rules 2019.
In Law Society –v- Weston Lord Bingham said, “The Accounts Rules existed to afford the public the maximum protection against the improper and unauthorised use of their money and tha...