“I found myself subject to an SRA investigation into allegations of dishonesty brought by a previous employer; naturally I was extremely distraught and realised that I needed professional and specialist advice straight away. An internet search revealed many results but I was impressed with the free advice given on Jonathan’s website and his personal resume evidencing his specialism and detailed knowledge and experience of dealing with the SRA/SDT mechanics. A quick phone call with Jonathan in which I explained my situation and the allegations against me had an immediate reassuring and calming effect and I decided without hesitation to instruct him. At all times, Jonathan was completely transparent, open and honest. He explained each step of the process and all of the options available to me from submission of the EWW letter right through to negotiation with the SRA, their lawyers and potentially proceedings in the SDT. Jonathan’s preparation of the EWW was meticulous and perfectly addressed and neutralised the allegations. As a result of Jonathan’s conduct of my case the SRA decided to do the right thing and overturn the allegations against me without proceeding to the SDT. I cannot thank Jonathan enough for his advice, patience and professionalism. Making that initial telephone call was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”